
The story of Joseph and his brothers as we recalled it, was presented by Pastor Wilkie on May 14. Joseph never spoke ill,  of his brothers, abused  or disrespected them in any way; all he showed was love. However,  Joseph was guilty of being the brother that dreams . As a result, his brothers  hated him because  God had found favor in him. The brothers were afraid  of what  he would become.    
When  Joseph was cast into the pit, he thought  it was merely a joke.  Realizing that his brothers were behaving as though nothing wrong and returned to their normal duties, Joseph  realized he was deliberately placed in the pit.   How could they have been so cold?  Pastor Wilike stated that so it is  with  us Christians  who  actually meet and greet each other, when our hearts are filled with such great dislikes.  
These guys were no   stranger,  they were  his brothers, his  own flesh and blood. They later confessed  that after throwing Joseph into the pit, they saw  the anguish in his eyes.    Pits are  one of the most uncomfortable places. Sometimes God has to put us at a place where the only place we can look is up. Remember what men meant for evil, God turn it into something good.  God has a track record, in taking pits and  turning them into pit stop. God can take our  mess and turn it into a masterpiece.  God can take whatever others  throw at us and make it work for us.  
When Daniel walked into  the lion’s den, that  was a pit stop.   When Peter walked out of prison, that was a pit stop.   When Lazarus walked out the grave, that was a pit stop. When Paul walked outside his circle, that was a pit.  Let us allow God to transform our pits into pit stops.
Let the church say Amen!  

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